
Showing posts from October, 2017
Hello friends:)                                                                                                                                                                      Week 4 It's been a crazy two weeks!  We left the MTC at 3:50 am and rode a bus to the airport. Then our flight got delayed and we had to wait for what seemed like forever!  Finally we made it to Colorado and had training, then we were assigned to our trainers. Then we had to drive 5 hours to get to Casper. I am serving in the Casper Wyoming YSA(Young Single Adult) ward with Sister Francom, which is really sad because all my pals are no where around me and Sister Smith is in Fort Collins. :(  But its okay, Sister Francom is super cool.  She's been out for 16 months so she like knows everything and is perfect at missionary work. I most definitely am not!  We are living with the Sister Training Leaders who are over the Casper 9th ward. They don't have an apartment for us which is tragic because I&
Week 2 This week has been amazing and crazy! We got to watch Elder Hales(one of the twelve apostles) funeral so that was awesome and the spirit was so strong!   Also  on Friday  the apostles are coming to dedicate the new MTC buildings so that's going to be a super amazing experience!  Funny story,  on Friday  my companion and I got back from TRC which is where we teach investigators and one of the other sisters from our district was studying on the couch so we hung out there with her. Her companion was showering then went to bed. So when we were going to go to bed the door to our dorm was locked. We were pounding on the door trying to wake Sister Burila up. We tried for like a hour to wake her up and finally gave up. So we were in the common area and made a bed out of the couches and had to sleep out there. We also made a sign so that we wouldn’t get in trouble. At like 3am a security guard came and said she could let us in. We woke up so fast!   She had the wrong key so she
Week 1 This week has been amazing! I'll just start front he beginning.  When I got to the MTC I went straight in to meet my district and my companion.  Mine is named Sister Smith, and she is super sweet and fun! We get along really well. The other girls in my group are Sister Burila and Sister Pelesasa who is from Australia, so that's super cool. I never get tired of listening to her speak, haha !  My district is awesome as well. There are eleven total and six of us are going to Fort Collins, two are going to Barbados and two to Maryland. They are cool also.   From there we were pretty much in classes all day, with breaks to eat.  On that note the food is nowhere near as good as my mom's cooking! Except the chocolate milk, that's swell.  On Saturday and Sunday we were able to watch general conference (A bi-annual conference where the prophets and apostles and other church leaders speak to us) and it was an amazing experience!  The
Introducing Sister Marissa Walker Colorado, Fort Collins Mission September 2017 - February 2019