
Showing posts from November, 2017
11-28-17 Hello Everyone!  It's been a great week! Time is going by so quickly.  I have already been here for 6 weeks, which means its transfer time! Sister Francom and I are staying here in the Casper YSA until she leaves  in three weeks .   Then I will be companions with Sister Coder who is from Oregon also, so that's way cool!  Together we will cover the 3rd ward and the YSA.  It will be a good time!  Last Tuesday right after pday (preparation day) ended I tripped down the stairs and sprained my ankle.  Sister Francom was freaking out like I needed to go to the hospital, it was kinda funny.  I had to tell her that I have done that a million times before and it would be fine.  Then she wouldn't move the car until we called the elders to give me a blessing (even though I was fine!).   Anyway, once we got to the Elders, the one who was giving me a blessing thought you just pour all the oil on the person's head (he's pretty new), so that happened.  It was pretty fu
11-21-17 Hello Everyone :)  It has been a great week! We got to go on exchange's with our STL’s (sister training leaders) so that was way fun! I went with Sister Zimmerman but I just call her Zim Zim.  We taught their investigator Zar who is the sweetest man! We read the introduction to the Book of Mormon and he was so excited about it! After that we went to teach a less active member.  When she asked me where I was from I told her Springfield, which I never say because nobody knows where it is.  Then she told me she has a brother in Springfield…long story short it is Brother Dyas from my ward!!   I told them how my sister Megan is friends with their little boy CJ!  Crazy connections!    We had a great week with investigators ! One referral we received is named Sheetal, and we went to go see her and she let us come in.  We taught her the Restoration (the first lesson) and she just soaked it all up like a sponge! She was so excited that we have a prophet today who leads and g
11-7-17 Hello everyone :) It's been a swell week! We got to do a lot of service this week, which is fun! We work at Joshua’s which is a food bank sort of deal.  It is fun because we get to interact with the people and give them food.  It is amazing how humble they are and just so thankful for anything you give them. This week we got a referral named Kegan.  He is super cool.  We are so excited to teach him! We also tracted into a guy named Jonathon who is super golden.  We invited him to volleyball and he said he would come, so we got permission to play and it was awesome! It took me back to MTC times, haha! But it was so fun and he connected with everyone really well and already has friends.  We are meeting with him tonight so we are excited! We also are teaching a guy named Ryan who is super nice! He has come to church for two weeks now and he loves it! He is so diligent!  Every time we meet with him he has read so much of the Book of Mormon and continually prays to know if
10-31-17 Hey Everyone! This week has been so long but it felt so short! We have had some crazy adventures! Our landlord Debbie is absolutely crazy, so that's fun! She called and freaked out on us because someone used the bathroom in the middle of the night and it woke our upstairs neighbor, haha. In our apartment there is an outside door, and then we go downstairs to get to our actual apartment. The lady upstairs locked the outside door so we couldn't get into our apartment so we had to climb through the window, and the neighbor called and told Debbie. So Debbie freaked out again!   I'm so glad the STL’s live there and Sister Zimmerman is such a kind soul because I would not have been able to stay calm the whole time. We did see a lot of miracles this week which was awesome! The Elders before us were teaching an investigator named James who is very anti sister missionaries, and this week he let us into his home and we had a wonderful lesson! We have an investigator nam