Week 13

Hello Everyone!

First of all Merry Christmas!  I hope you all had a great one!  Mine was amazing! We went to an old folks home and sang Christmas songs to them  and it was way fun.  They loved it and were so grateful.  Also I got to talk to my family!  It was so good to see and talk to them!  I miss them a lot.  Our mission president gave us permission to watch The Best Two Years, which is a movie about missionaries.  We got to do that at the Katz’s house, who are these really rich people that have a theater room! It was so cool! We also got to have zone conference on Friday which was super fun! We did a white elephant gift exchange and I ended up with a football sippy cup!

Today we had district pday and it was so fun! We played basketball and soccer and zombies, which is a tag game with nerf guns! It was awesome!

It snowed so much here this week! It was crazy! On one of the days it was so bad that we weren't allowed the drive our cars. That was a fun day, haha! We saw a huge miracle with that though. We were going around shoveling people driveways and it was freezing cold! Our hands were so cold that when we got back in the car we couldn't feel them!  Keep in mind it's like negative 4 degrees here.  So we said a prayer that the rest of the time we were shoveling that our hands would stay warm and that we would be able to help everyone that we could!  So then we went to work!  After we got back in the car at the last house, Sister Coder said  “ I don't know about you but my hands stayed warm the whole time”!  I didn't even realize it, but mine did too! It was so cool! Prayers really work!  Another miracle was that my Christmas package from home wasn't supposed to arrive until today but it arrived on Christmas Eve! I am so grateful for our Father in Heaven!  He truly watches out for us!

I love you all and hope you have a great week!

Sister Walker 


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