Week 12

It's been a great week! Time has gone by so fast! It's already almost Christmas!
Sister Francom went home this week, which was super sad! I learned so much for her!  Now I am companions with Sister Coder who is also from Oregon, and she knows my cousins!  She is super sweet!  Everyone calls her Snow White because she literally acts like a princess!  We are covering the YSA and 3rd ward so that's been pretty crazy!  Sundays are the craziest because 3rd ward has church at 9:00 and the YSA has church at 11:00 so we have to run back and forth!

In the 3rd ward we found a new investigator named Cory!  She is so amazing!  She is so prepared and ready to receive the gospel.  She is on date to be baptized on January 6th and I am so excited!   It will be my first baptism! She has four kids ages 13,8,6 and 3.  The 13 year old, Alanna, wants to get baptized also, so that's amazing! They came to the ward Christmas party and loved it!

I love this Christmas season!  Everyone is so much more open to talking about Christ and his life! Our mission President gave us permission to watch The Best Two Years movie on Christmas, so I'm super excited for that! Also I get to skype with my family!! I can't wait! 

I love you all and hope everyone has the best Christmas ever!
Sister Walker 

1. Sister Coder and I doing service. 

2. Sister Francom’s death (she didn't really die, she just went home from her mission) 

3. Sister Francom and I with the Christmas lights 

4. Me killing off Sister Francom 


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